FOMO in the GGR is real! On the other side is my plan!

There has been a lot of conversation in the circles of real estate investors in London, Ontario on FOMO. Here is my take on FOMO in the GGR. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is described as a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. This social anxiety is […]

GGR, OGR and now what? I am glad I met this mad man!

Now there is something new coming and I am extremely excited about it. I don’t have much more to say but that it will enable even more people to experience offshore racing than in the GGR and OGR. It’s big! It’s huge and it’s exciting!

So onto what next for me, these races that Don comes up with might just take over my life. I think I will have to start purchasing lotto tickets.

A Different Approach- Life, GGR, Good Hope, Finances & the OGR

Many competitors have different approaches in the lead up to the GGR. Some competitors are busy refitting, some are busy sailing and some plan to leave the refit to the last winter before the race. I have a different approach and I am going to lay it down below. For some of my followers who […]

If you don’t ask, you don’t get!

In 2012, I was working at Google in India, jet setting to new cities every month to talk about Google Search to people in India and abroad. After a random drunk call with a Captain in the Indian Navy, I decided to exchange my stable life to become one of the first Indians to sail […]

Speaking at PechaKucha Part 2

I recently spoke to Pecha Kucha London Ontario and gave a talk about my sailing experience and why I say ‘Memories Are Greater Than Dreams’I wanted to elaborate more on the topic in this post. Not all of us are Michael Phelps or Elon Musk. Most of us will never make it big. Most of […]

Pecha Kuch Night London Ontario 29th March

I will be speaking at PechaKucha Night #ldnont on the 29th of March at Innovation Works London.This is going to be round 2 at PKN for me. First one since declaring my intention to participate in the Golden Globe Race 2022.The topic of the talk is: Memories are Greater Than Dreams.The thing I like about PKN unlike TED talks is […]

The Ultimate Dream

I just started watching Everest the movie on Netflix and got reminded of another dream I have always had is to circumnavigate solo on a yacht, climb Everest and circumnavigate solo in a plane.Its crazy to have dreams like that but I am slowly working towards them. It’s expensive no doubt. I hardly have many […]